Saturday, December 10, 2011
Why can't we use the OS from Flash drive memory
There is another cool tip by this you can run the linux operating system from your USB drive.So if you want to use the dual operating system in your PC or else in laptop, and you dont wish go with dual boot and you are annoying with the space related issues so don't worry there is a cool tip by this you can install and run Linux operating from your USB flash drive itself this is a Ubuntu live by this you can configure your wireless and you can use your internet or else you can do check the performance tuning with Linux. So by this we can reduce the space problem and other kind of stuff.
There are many linux flavours so are going to use the falavour of ubuntu with this for using this ubuntu we should have at least 1 gb pendrive.So lets see how we can install it in flash drive we can use it.
Step 1
Download the desktop 32 bit ubuntu ISO file installer and the universal USB installer from the internet.In this
the Ubuntu desktop installer for Operating setup and the USB installer for installing the ubuntu in the USB.
Step 2
Double click the USB installer and after accepting the licence aggrement select ubuntu 11.04 from the
drop down list box as shown in the picture below
Step 3
And after that click browse and select the path for the ISO image of the ubuntu operaing system which has been downloaded.
And if u want to select the particular drive letter for this USB drive then select the drive letter and check the we will format
dont forget to select the persistance file size as 0MB and click the create button
Step 5
And finally confirm the installation , after this the installation process for linux in the USB flash drive will be started.
Booting via Flash drive.
Before going to use the operating system in the Flash drive ensure that make the setting in the BIOS, that make the first boot device as removable disk and your USB must be 2.0 version or above.And then restart your system.And then you can move forward to use the operating system in flash drive.
Step 1 :
When the boot menu appears select the "RUN ubuntu from USB"
Step 2:
And then it prompts to the opening of Ubuntu and from here you can access the your system resources such as internet and so on.
While using the above trick you can just use the linux operating system you cant save anythings once the system gets restarted all the
the memory will be erased.So be carefull in saving the data.
So without installing the operating system in the laptop you can use cross operating system.Have Fun and enjoy
Saturday, December 10, 2011 by Anto Dominic · 0
Most of you have came across the software which blocks the websites in your office or else in the restricted environment.For doing this there are more third party softwares available in the market most of them are paid and very few are free wares but when we move for free wares these will be less effective than paid ones.So most of them will prefer the paid one.In the very small company or in the home its very difficult to invest money in the paid one in this kind of situation we can make use of the windows inbuilt restriction. Actually there is no any such kind of facility provided by Microsoft but we are using this as a trick.This can be done by modifying the Host file
How it works
It is system file by editing this we can retrict the sites which is be to negleted.The information behind this is for example when you are browing the web page first it will search in the host file for the IP of the website if it not found then it will directly refer the DNS server so by this if we are going to provide some false IP for the website so the webpage cannot be diaplayed.So by this we can restrict what ever sites we want without any third party or freeware softwares. So lets see how to do this trick
1.Start ->run -> drivers and select etc and click on the host file
2.Or else Goto the the location c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
3.Open the file with a notepad and append the file below the local host
4.Add the IP of your wish and the leave a space and the web address for example you want to restrict the orkut website means
5.Now the given webpage in the host file cannot be accessed.
Note:To edit the host file you need the admin right of the local system.
by Anto Dominic · 0
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
In the fast growing internet world marketing and selling the product is the complicated one so its very hard to market the new products for this the new marketing strategy called affiliated marketing has been discovered.It is the new and emerging trend in now a days to earn the money via online, this can also be called as internet marketing.Few decades back if you want to earn from online you have to go for ad-sense or adword and other add publishing vendors so the above factors plays the major role in the online earnings so every person who wants to earn via online they have to approach each one of the above option and by this more scams and malpractices have happened . In order to wider the option of online earnings the affiliated marketing has been spreaded and it has been accepted.In this affiliated marketing the Social media plays the vital role.
What is affliated marketting
This is the one you can promote or review the product and make your audiance to buy those products and for each and every buying of the product by your referral you will be will be paid by the product owners.It is the commission kind of thing.For each and every referral the commission amount will be paid for you.This amount will not be a fixed one it will vary product to product.
Need for affliated marketing - By this affliated marketing you can get the wide range of audiance so by this your product will be familiar to many people and by this it can be sold more according you can also earn more.
Feature link:
If you want to know more on afflicated marketing click here
Tuesday, November 15, 2011 by Anto Dominic · 0
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Some of you would have heard this word safe mode, If you don’t know safe mode this article would help you to know better. This is the console like thing for you operating system. Lets consider the scenario you have installed one software and its working fine and time later you faced some problem like you pc get hanged and it is occurring often so you want to find why this occurs. In this it’s very difficult to find the root cause for this problem so in this we don’t have any other option to check whether this problem has been occurred regarding that software so in this case we are only one way to find the solution is the safe mode.
The safe mode is the kernel or else another entry point for getting into the operating system. So the specialty this mode is no windows drivers and other media drivers will work and in this mode the operating system will run only with the very important files which is minimum enough to run the operating system. So I think the answer is very clear for the above scenario so if you don’t face any issue in your safe mode then you can confirm the problem is due to the new installed software or new application. Incase if you face any issues in safe you can move forward with the event viewer logs.
To go the safe mode
1. Power on your system
2. As soon as its getting booted press F9 to enter to the safe mode menu
3. In this you can select weather the last known good configuration or else with the safe mode.
Note: The last known good configuration is the setting save by the system by this it will restore from it memory. This will work better when there is a unexpected power shutdown so at that time some dll files may corrupted. So by this we can repair very small problems.
Saturday, September 10, 2011 by Anto Dominic · 0
Most of us are scared about the virus in our PC because these are very dangerous threat to our data once we got affected by very high potential virus like exe, Trojan and auto run .If you are getting scared of these viruses don’t worry after reading this article you will not have such a mind set. So lets have look into to that very dangerous exe virus in this post.EXE virus these the nothing but the executable files which executes the malicious program which has been tagged to it. So this will delete the files or else Interrupt our work. So it very dangerous types of virus the best anti-virus for this is kaspersky. And sometimes when your pc is getting affected with these kinds of Viruses you can’t even install this anti-virus. So this is very crucial situation.
by Anto Dominic · 0
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Tools: Managing Social media backup
Now-a-days social media plays the vital role in the e-market,not only these social media connects the people but also its used to share their views and most of the technologies and news were speard by using this social media only so vunerability is one of the annoying one in this social media.So to safe gaurd our very have a maintan the Strong password for our account and not only that incase if future anything may happen like your account can hacked inorder to restore that you have to backup your profile.So it very important to backup your data for disaster recovery.So here are somebackuptools to safegaurd your data. By this you can have the backup of your social media in your local desktop itself.
Handling Multiple Social Media backup:
This is the tool which is used to take backup of your multiple social media account like Facebook ,Twitter and your personal websites and blogs. This is the consolidated one so by can handle mulitple social media backup in a single console.
(Download Backupify)
By This below tools you can backup your facebook you can also use the Default Facebook Backup which is embedded in the Facebook itself if you want to specify your backup list you can use the tools.
It is the one of the best tools to backup the facebook.
Download Socialsafe
Archive facebook
This is the firefox Add-ons to have a backup of your facebook.
Download Archive book
Tweet backup
This is the tools to backup all your tweets and your twitter settings.
Download Tweet backup
The Archivist
This is also similar tool as tweet backup.
Download Archivist
Blog Backup:
To have a backup of your blog you can use any of the tools by this you can have a backup of your post,comments and as weel as setting.By this you can restore in future.
Vault press
Sunday, August 28, 2011 by Anto Dominic · 0
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Some of you have fed up with the home page which appears in the google or else with word which appears in the search engine of google.If you want to replace that things and you want to add any coolest thing that you wish dont worry there is a cool way to do such things.This can be done with the little addon and it takes hardly 5 minutes to change that.So lets see how we can do that
1.First Insall the addon named greasemonkey and this add on will avalaible for Internet explorer,firefox and chrome.
2.After the installation select the scripting and restart the brower and now the addon has been installed.
By this you can change the text of google to u r desired text.
Note: You have to download the scipts for the add once it gets installed in the brower.
Sunday, August 21, 2011 by Anto Dominic · 0
The most used social media in today's trend is facebook.So there are more Eavesdroppers(hackers) here, so that its our responsibity to safegaurd our accounts from them by keeping the secure password and not only by this, If it has been hacked and we can recover that so that the backup paramater is necessary so its very necessary to keep our social media account there are tools to take backup apart from this we can use the default backup option which was provided by the facebook itself.So by this we can have a backup of our account in our laptop itself.So lets see how to backup out facebook account and its settings.
Step 1
Click on the Account and click account settings
Step 2
At the end of this there will be the option download a copy of facebook.
Select the option start the archive.
by Anto Dominic · 0
Password is the one of the most important now a days,because all the things are globalized now-a-days and by this we are using via the internet.So for this we need the authentication to access our resources because in internet all are having the own resources so we are using the username and password for accessing our resources.So now-a-days passwords are very important.So its our duty to safegaurd them from un authorized access.So you should be carefull and you should not share to anyone.
3 ways to Secure your password
Dont use the name as your password like "arun" "ashok" and dont keep the common passwords as "password" and "password123" and try to use the alpha numeric and if u wish to keep the name as our password see this may help you to not forget for this you can keep "p@$$word" instead of password so it would be difficult to track.
Dont use same password
For example you are having more than one account dont use the same password for all the thing,because if a person or hacker would found your password for one account he can access all your accounts so have the pool of passwords and use that from the pool so by this your password will be in memory and accordingly if anyone found one account password he may not access the all.
Dont keep the open minded security question
This is the very crucial part because when tries to opne our accout he will use default passwords so his next move will be answering your security question.Say if the person is your old friend so he may know answer for certain question like "your nick name" "your birth place" and "your fathers name" so dont use such kind of question select question like "your favourite place" and "your mothers birth palce" by this we can secure by answering the recovery question.
Note : Try to use the alpha numeric password for best practices so this would help you from "brute force attack" and some other attacks.
Quote : "Passwords are like your tooth brush so dont share with anyone".
by Anto Dominic · 0
Friday, August 19, 2011
Virtualization is the platform which founded to minimize the component and maintanance cost without loosing the performance.In virtualization the physical machine is divided into muliple logical partions and each component will act as a indudival machine.This is the emerging technology in the current IT trend , now most of the datacentres and servers are virtualized.In virtualization the host operating system will be installed and in this the vitual machine will be created and each of them will be used as a indudival server.
Why Virtualization:
Lets consider one example you want to deploy one corporate environment for this you are in need for 5 servers.So you will be purchasing the 5 servers from vendor and the in this you dont need the space of those server.So in such case You can buy 2 servers one is for production and other for fail-over cluster.In main server you just install the host operating system such as (VMWARE or HyperV).In that create the instance for 5 virtual machines and you can make the each virtual machine as an individual server.So by this we can reduce the number of servers and cost of servers and space too.
Types of vitualization.
1.Hardware Virtualization
2.Application Virtualization
3.Desktop Virtualization
4.Storage Virtualization
Virtualization can be done with the help of two giant one is Hyper V it is the product
of Microsoft and other is VM ware is the separate product.The Hyper V is the new technology which
is used only in Windows server 2008.
Virtualization - The Best practice
By this virtualization we can minimize the product cost and we can obtain the maximum
utilization of the resources in the efficient manner.
Friday, August 19, 2011 by Anto Dominic · 0